Saturday, March 24, 2012

Starbucks versus've got to be kidding me.

Good Morning people!

This morning is one of those mornings where I feel like I'm going to need a lot of coffee. Last night, I ended up hanging out after work and it kind of turned into a long night, so by the end of the day today, you'll probably be able to tap my blood and drink it with cream.

Speaking of coffee, I came across an interesting piece on Yahoo! Pride this morning about a completely moronic attack by NOM on a very popular and slightly overpriced coffee chain. Starbucks coffee (as a corporation) has had a very long history of supporting employment and benefits coverage-equality for LGBT people. They've also had a lot of presence at kiosks and such for pride events in virtually every major city in the US. National Organization for Marriage (which is already disreputable on its own) is claiming that those statements made for the gay community by Starbucks are wrong and that the company supports the "gay agenda", so they're screaming boycott. They've also went ahead and gave a list of other places that supporters of their cause can go to get coffee with a side of homophobia. The only problem is...quite a few "alternative options" on the list are also LGBT-inclusive and include gay corporate members.

All aboard the Fail Boat, NOM!

Not to perpetuate stereotypes, but come on...gays have been running, owning, and operating coffee shops for decades. There's almost always a wealth of various rainbow flyers in places like Starbucks.

I think this lovely clip from True Blood explains the idea behind why ridiculous boycotts like these are completely pointless:

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