If you know me, (and judging by the amount of traffic coming from the FB link...many of you do) you know what kind of music I'm into. That being said, reading some of the news about the GOP race, I came across a celebrity endorsement that I'm literally shaking my head at.
Dave Mustaine from Megadeth has come out in support of Supercreep!
"I think Santorum has some presidential qualities, and I'm hoping that if
it does come down to it, we'll see a Republican in the White House...
and that it's Rick Santorum." Although I'm a little repulsed, I'm not really surprised at this, considering that Dave also said that "the system was taking God out of schools to dumb us down" a while back.
If that's the case...how low can you go?
(And by the way, creepers, who are you?! There's this funky little button that says "comments"....just saying! :) )
I'm getting more conservative as I get older, but Rick Santorum is not it. He represents an America run by multinationals while the govt does thing things like persecuting the married couple next door because she came to bed naked and they did it with the lights on.